Reheating spinach
September 2, 2005

While I was eating today, I was watching ‘Ready Steady Cook‘ on the BBC. During their 10 minutes session they create absolutely astonishing meals, the cooks also answered a question from a viewer. A Dutch viewer. She stated that as everyone knows one should never reheat spinach, but she asked whether it was ok to reheat spinach soup?

Paul Rankin, Antony Worrall Thompson, and Ainsley Harriott were all three very surprised by the statement that one should never reheat spinach. They have never heard such a nonsense.

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July 10, 2005

About a year ago I wrote a small piece over using VOIP and UMTS, stating that that might be a cheap alternative over calling, but it wouldn’t probably work because of high delay (and jitter).

Apperantly, it does work. And apperantly, other people have been using it: Vodafone has announced (although I can’t find it on the original german page) on friday that using VOIP on their UMTS network will be made technically impossible.

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Google Earth
June 29, 2005

Yesterday, I downloaded, installed and played with Google Earth, just like half of the internet population. I then found it a very nice toy. Exceptionally cool. The streaming technology is so beautifully implemented. But still, a toy. I couldn’t really see the real usefulness. As a technical person, I really have deep respect for the way the program works, but hey, unfortunally in the real world, you also need to have a business case in order to make things happen, and at that moment I didn’t see it.

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I? Impl!
June 23, 2005

Frans wrote a piece about using an I as a prefix when using interfaces. I agree to him that differentiating between classes and interfaces by a naming convention is a useful thing. But instead of using a prefixed I for the interface, one can also use a postfixed Impl for the implementing class. Because normally you program to an interface, the code that uses the interface becomes much more clean:

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Firework accident in Enschede
May 13, 2005

Today it is 5 years ago that a firework factory in Enschede exploded. At that time I lived in Enschede, about 2 km from the scene. Although no one I knew was injured or killed, I know some people who lost all their possessions.

It is a weird feeling. These things happen every month, but only because this accident occured nearby it had a much larger impact on me than all these other sadly recurring accidents. And not only to me, the whole population of Enschede was in a shock for a few months. And even several years later, the accident leaves trails: it was absolutely not-done to ignite firework in Enschede at newyear’s eve for the first one or two years, the house-market was tensened immediately and the whole neighbourhood that was blown away is still being rebuild. And in Enschede almost everyone knows people who have lost their home.

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Book Review: It’s Not About The Bike [L. Armstrong]
May 12, 2005

I bought (the Dutch translation) this book almost a year ago at the local supermarket (hey, it was cheap, and it looked better than the other cheap books, and it was next to the waiting line for the cash register :)), but until recently I’ve never read it. Only on the trip to Prague I started to read it (I also took ‘Managing Software Requirements’ [Leffingwell, Widrig] with me, but that book was a bit too heavy for a holiday).

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Back from Prague
May 10, 2005

Last week I was on holiday in Prague, mainly to meet my family there. It was a nice week, although Kreslice (where we stayed) was a bit too far from the centre and the weather was not that nice (the first day was about 30 degrees, but after that it became colder and it started to rain).

But anyway, I was both happy to see my family again, and to relax for a week after 7 exhausting weeks of working hard combined with moving to my new apartment (as of this week, I just have to work hard again :)).

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May 9, 2005

Almost a year after I blogged about my fourth birthday of my old camera, I bought a new one: a Canon 350D.

What a nice camera it is! The difference between a compact camera and a SLR is huge. The speed, the non existing shutter lag, the control, the range of the lens (ok, this is more a comparison of the lens and a compact camera), the feel, the … everything.

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Finally moved
May 8, 2005

It has been a while since I posted on the blog, and with good reason. I was very busy moving to my new home. Two weeks ago I finally stayed here for the first time overnight, and since then I’m completely moved.

I’m still unpacking everything and trying to give everything it’s own place (never knew that I could collect that much stuff in just over a year…), so the house will be a mess the next couple of weeks. But I’m more than happy with it!

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Google Trivia
February 5, 2005

I was just browsing around a bit, and on one page I noticed something weird: an ad.

Not that noticing an ad is weird, but the content was. Well, maybe not even the content, but the link beneath the ad. It was a link to a Google search… I’m curious who placed the ad (Google itself?), and I’m even more curious why? It completely makes no sense to me. But maybe it’s just me…

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