Roomba 560 Review
August 22, 2009

When I bought my Miele Black Pearl 2000 back in 2005, I thought that that would be my only vacuum cleaner I would buy for a long time… But, apparently, I was wrong, because this week I bought a new one…

The Roomba is not a ‘normal’ vacuum cleaner, it’s a robot! Not exactly like Rosie in The Jetsons, as he or she (I still don’t have a name for it, suggestions? :)) will only vacuum clean, but hey, it’s a start…

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Hybrid drivers
September 19, 2007

Marc (for some reason you can only address another blogger by his first name, even if that other blogger did almost invent the Internet…) points to an article that describes why hybrid cars aren’t the future.

The summary of that story is: people won’t pay 5000 dollars extra to save the environment.

Although I do agree with that, I don’t think that that is a valid reason:

– 5000 dollars more than what? In The Netherlands the taxes on a hybrid car are 6000 euro less than a regular car (so, a hybrid car is in fact cheaper than a non-hybrid car), but even when you ignore that ridiculous law, the difference is less than 5000. Let alone when you compare the TOC.

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Top Commentators
August 30, 2007

[lang_nl]Vanwege *ahem* ‘hoge vraag’ *ahem* heb ik de Top Commentator widget weer terug geplaatst. Ik heb zelf de source een beetje aangepast zodat hij mezelf nu niet meer toont. Dus vanaf nu: in de widget zie je de meest actieve commentatoren afgezien van mij![/lang_nl]

[lang_en]Due to *ahem* ‘high demand’ *ahem* the Top Commentators widget is back. I even hacked it a bit to exclude myself. So, in the Widget you see the most active commentators beside me[/lang_en]

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Multi language
August 29, 2007

The first two posts on this weblog already stated the question: post in Dutch, or in English? The last English post is already 1.5 years old. The last few months I’m more and more posting on my personal live, and I didn’t really wanted an English (technical) post intervene. I thought about splitting the weblog into two, but I realized that I don’t have enough content to justify that. So, this weekend, I installed the plugin Polyglot. Using this plugin I can write posts both in English and in Dutch. I still don’t know whether I will post all blogs both in English and in Dutch (I fear that my English is not good enough so I could translate my dull stupid funny-to-be texts well enough to be enjoyable in English), but we will see…

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Firefox tabs
April 12, 2006

Although I use Firefox for quite a while now, now and then you still learn useful things. For example, the usage of the middle-mouse-button (or more commonly: clicking the scroll wheel). Not long after I started using Firefox 1.5 and I couldn’t use the Tabbrowser Preferences extension anymore I learned that clicking on a tab with your scroll wheel closes it. A very nice feature indeed (before that, I right clicked on the tab to close it).

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Word of the day: Hackpology
March 22, 2006

Today, I learned a new word: Hackpology. Google doesn’t seem to know the word (at least, not yet :)), but that doesn’t matter: I like the term.

Although the hack on The Daily WTF is a very nasty one, I think that the usage of a hackpology isn’t a bad thing. At least, you explain why you’ve done something the way you did it (and the hack was needed anyway, otherwise it wouldn’t be there in the first place).

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Difficulty levels of games
October 28, 2005

After our monthly meeting at work I was tricked (after a beer of course :)) to play a game of Antigrav. To those who don’t know: Antigrav is a game that uses EyeToy: a camera that is connected to a playstation 2, so you have to to behave as an idiot in front of the TV in order to move your in-game character.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I wasn’t even able to complete the tutorial. My ducking and jumping technique was fantastic, but my arms are probably too short (hey, you need to have some kind of excuse :)) for grabbing the ‘bonus’-items I needed for clearing a rail. But, anyway, it was a great laugh. But for serious gaming, I’d prefer a normal gamepad.

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Reheating spinach
September 2, 2005

While I was eating today, I was watching ‘Ready Steady Cook‘ on the BBC. During their 10 minutes session they create absolutely astonishing meals, the cooks also answered a question from a viewer. A Dutch viewer. She stated that as everyone knows one should never reheat spinach, but she asked whether it was ok to reheat spinach soup?

Paul Rankin, Antony Worrall Thompson, and Ainsley Harriott were all three very surprised by the statement that one should never reheat spinach. They have never heard such a nonsense.

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July 10, 2005

About a year ago I wrote a small piece over using VOIP and UMTS, stating that that might be a cheap alternative over calling, but it wouldn’t probably work because of high delay (and jitter).

Apperantly, it does work. And apperantly, other people have been using it: Vodafone has announced (although I can’t find it on the original german page) on friday that using VOIP on their UMTS network will be made technically impossible.

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Google Earth
June 29, 2005

Yesterday, I downloaded, installed and played with Google Earth, just like half of the internet population. I then found it a very nice toy. Exceptionally cool. The streaming technology is so beautifully implemented. But still, a toy. I couldn’t really see the real usefulness. As a technical person, I really have deep respect for the way the program works, but hey, unfortunally in the real world, you also need to have a business case in order to make things happen, and at that moment I didn’t see it.

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